so fun

I was thrilled to see my print in the beautiful nursery of  Matt and Megan last week via a cup of jo! It so fun to see where my art ends up after it is sent off, especially when it ends up in a lovely space amongst such good company.


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We made the trek to find the perfect pumpkins this weekend to one of my favorite places in the Portland area, Sauvie Island.  I could live there and be happy.  Pumpkins were found, caramel apples were had and half of Portland was there to enjoy the blue skies.

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This morning while do errands I saw what I’m guessing was an albino crow.   I seem to be crossing paths with all sorts of albino creatures lately.  This summer there was an albino fawn down at the stables where we ride.   Anyhow,  Albino Crow would make a great band name, no?


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right now

Here’s a little peek into my studio right now.  I am currently:




listening to music on  this docking station I just stole from our bedroom (notice the self portrait my son recently did in which he looks to be angry, but is actually the happiest person I’ve ever met)


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the little things

Sometimes it’s the littlest things that get me giddy.  For instance, these brass pencil sharpeners I recently got from Brook Farm General Store.  With two kids, both with nightly homework, pencil sharpeners are a hot commodity around here and mine seem to always be wandering off and disappearing.  So, these lovely brass ones are going straight to my studio.


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the art of the upsale

Our family is now the proud new owners of a baby guinea pig.  This is what happens when your child’s fish dies and is still upset a couple weeks later (because we can’t ‘replace’ fishy).

Meet Napoleon…


I’m kinda sweet on the little guy and our dog is OBSESSED with him (in a good?, I want to sleep with him every night and be his bestest friend sort of way).

Have a wonderful fall weekend!

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Did you know today is the 50th anniversary of Breakfast at Tiffany’s?  Well in honor of that, here is a pic I took of my very own little Holly Golightly when she was probably 4 years old.


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happy friday!

Ah, Friday.  I picked my husband up at the airport this morning.  He’s been in Asia for the past few weeks, so this weekend we will be adjusting to having him back around (what my friend calls ‘re-entry’)!  Oh, we will also be burrying our beloved ‘fishy’ who died a few days ago.  He was a guppy my daughter had gotten in the 2nd grade, so he was around 4 years old, a good long life for a fish, I’d say.

Here were some of my favorite pins this week, have a lovely weekend…


1.  I love the title of this book, so true, don’t you think? ‘A Perfectly Kept House Is The Sign of a Mispent Life,’ found here

2.  Obsessed with Cy Twombly right now

3.  This outfit says fall to me, found here

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friday pins

Everyone is feeling a bit better around here today, yay!  So, I thought I’d share some of my favorite pins this week.


Breakfast at Tiffany’s pinned by sfgirlbybay

I mean, really, this was meant to be mine, no?  I love the orange jacket!


Jcrew’s equestrian inspired wellies via Katie Josephon


Book club tote bag pinned by Kelly Beall

Now, in all honesty, my fellow book clubbers do read the books.  It is just I who has failed to finish even one (!) book for club this year.

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under the weather

A stupid virus is making its way through our family, making me its latest victim.  Ugh, we’re only two weeks into the school year and it’s already starting…


see you tomorrow for a big giveaway!

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late to the party

Ok, so I am a bit late to the party here, but I am just in love with Bon Iver.  It has been the soundtrack to my day lately, so beautiful…

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The Floodline Project

I am excited to announce the abstract pieces I am calling the floodline project are now available to purchase!  I opened a big cartel shop to sell the work that comes out of this process because I feel like they’re a bit separate from the work I have in my etsy shop .  They are all done on a gorgeous cold press watercolor paper with acrylic paint and fabric dye.  I had so much fun working on them.

I hope you enjoy looking at some of my results!





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weekend in pics

We took a quick getaway this weekend.  We were just 20 minutes from our house, but it was the perfect little mini vacation to enjoy the sun before the kids head back to school.





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next week

Forgive me for my summer laziness around these parts.  We’re in the last stretch of summer break and as much as I enjoy having the kids around, I’m looking forward to the daily routine of school.  So next week I will finally (FINALLY) share all the pieces I worked on last spring and this summer.  A small preview here, but they will all be up and for sale on September 1st.  Have a wonderful weekend (here’s one of my personal favs)


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art, creating, everyday