open house on bloesem

Irene of Bloesem posted a house tour of our home today over at Bloesem kids.  For some peeks around and a little interview, you can go here…thank you Irene!


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3 Responses to open house on bloesem

  1. Stacey 2009, February 16 at 11:21 am #

    Your home is magical and so adorable!!

  2. Jess 2009, February 16 at 2:46 pm #

    It was nice to see some recent pictures of your house and how you’ve changed things since we were last there. Looks great as always!

  3. Kelly 2009, February 18 at 11:28 pm #

    I love the cases at the end of the bed – the colours are beautiful on the white floorboards.